Thursday, April 3, 2008

Signs of Spring




Slowly the farm is waking up from a long winter's nap. The garlic we planted in the fall is shooting up sprouts. The rhubarb is starting to poke up from the ground. The greenhouse is warm and cozy, growing baby onions, and beets and many more to come. Stay tuned for updates on life on the farm in the Spring time!

1 comment:

farmer elleryvin said...

Yay Kit! enjoyed seeing the photo of Sammy the Salamander. I think I turned over 80 rocks yesterday & my fingers are raw. Hooray to Momo for his expert finding abilities! Kinda a miracle. A few irrigation fiascos on the farm the rain of course. Mud city, the bottomless kind. Rye is greening fingers are raisons, Ellery, (to kit-the blogger)